API reference

This API reference is intended mainly for developers and people looking for in-depth description of the different classes and functions. If you simply want to configure models and parse values into hyperlinks, Getting started gives a better introduction to using the library.


The two main building blocks of the hrefs library are

  • Href, the class representing hyperlinks

  • Referrable, the abstract base class of types that can be targets of hyperlinks

class hrefs.Href(key, url)

Hypertext reference to another model

The class is generic and can be annotated with a type implementing the Referrable ABC. If Book is assumed to be a type implementing Referrable, then Href[Book] represents a hyperlink to a book.

A user typically doesn’t create a Href object manually. It is much more common to use pydantic to parse it from one of the following:

  • Another Href instance

  • An instance of the referred model

  • A value of the key type (interpreted as key identifying the referred object)

  • A url string (interpreted as URL to the referred object)

See Getting started for more information.

property key

The key of the referred object

property url

The URL of the referred object

class hrefs.Referrable

Abstract base class for the targets of Href

The subclass needs to implement at least get_key() to convert between model and key, and key_to_url() and url_to_key() to specify the conversions between the key and URL representations. The return types of the functions should be annotated to make them available for parsing and serialization at runtime. Here is an example:

class Book(Referrable[int, str]):
    id: int

    def get_key(self) -> int:
        return self.id

    def key_to_url(key: int) -> str:
        return f"/books/{key}"

    def url_to_key(url: str) -> int:
        return url.split("/")[-1]
abstract get_key() KeyType

Return the key of the model

abstract classmethod key_to_url(key: KeyType) UrlType

Convert key to URL


Exception – the implementation should pass validation related errors (TypeError, ValueError etc.) as is.

classmethod parse_as_key(value: Any) KeyType | None

Attempt to parse value as key

The default implementation reads the return type annotation of url_to_key(), and tries to convert value, swallowing TypeError and ValueError.


value parameter converted to key type, or None if unable to parse

classmethod parse_as_url(value: Any) UrlType | None

Attempt to parse value as URL

The default implementation reads the return type annotation of key_to_url(), and tries to convert value, swallowing TypeError and ValueError.


value parameter converted to URL type, or None if unable to parse

abstract classmethod url_to_key(url: UrlType) KeyType

Convert url to key


Exception – the implementation should pass validation related errors (TypeError, ValueError etc.) as is.

Pydantic models

Any pydantic model that is a target of hyperlinks should implement BaseReferrableModel. It inherits both pydantic.BaseModel and hrefs.Referrable.

class hrefs.BaseReferrableModel

Referrable pydantic model

A subclass of both pydantic.BaseModel and hrefs.Referrable. It should be used as the base class of any pydantic model that will be used as a target of hrefs.Href.

BaseReferrableModel provides implementations of get_key() and parse_as_key() based on field annotations. By default, the model key is the id field (if it exists), but that can be changed by using PrimaryKey to annotate other field or fields.

BaseReferrableModel intentionally has tight coupling to the pydantic library. As such, it relies heavily on the facilities of that library to handle annotations and parsing. The URL type of pydantic based referrable models is always pydantic.AnyHttpUrl.

While the model class knows how to extract key types from annotations, it doesn’t know how to convert between keys and URLs. For that, it needs to use a model.HrefResolver provided by the web framework integration.

Subclassing or initializing instances of a subclass raises hrefs.ReferrableModelError in case the library detects the model is incorrectly configured.

get_key() Any

Return the model key


The model key based on the field annotations. If the key is composite, returns a tuple containing the parts.

classmethod has_simple_key() bool

Query if the model has a simple key


True if the model has simple (single part) key, False otherwise

classmethod key_to_params(key: Any) Dict[str, Any]

Convert model key to path/query parameters of an URL

This is a helper that can be used to convert a model key into a dictionary containing the key parts. Hyperlinks are unwrapped (see Hyperlinks as keys). The dictionary can be used to generate the path and query parameters of URLs in a typical HTTP framework.


key – model key


A dictionary mapping key names to key parts

classmethod key_to_url(key) AnyHttpUrl

Convert key to URL

Uses the web framework specific resolution logic to convert the model key to URL (a pydantic.AnyHttpUrl instance).

  • hrefs.ReferrableModelError – if the model is incorrectly configured

  • Exception – validation errors when converting key are passed as is

classmethod params_to_key(params: Mapping[str, Any]) Any

Convert path/query parameters of an URL to model key

This helper can be used to convert a parameter mapping to model key. It is the inverse of key_to_params().


params – A mapping from key names to key parts


Model key parsed from params


ValueError – if params does not contain sufficient elements to construct the key

classmethod parse_as_key(value: Any) Any | None

Parse value as a model key

The type of the model key is based on the field annotations. Either a single type, or (in the case of a composite key), a tuple of the parts.

classmethod parse_as_url(value: Any) AnyHttpUrl | None

Parse value as an URL (a pydantic.AnyHttpUrl instance)

classmethod update_forward_refs(**localns: Any) None

Try to update ForwardRefs on fields based on this Model, globalns and localns.

classmethod url_to_key(url: AnyHttpUrl) Any

Convert url to model key

Uses the web framework specific resolution logic to convert an URL to the model key based on field annotations.

  • hrefs.ReferrableModelError – if the model is incorrectly configured

  • Exception – validation errors when converting url are passed as is

class hrefs.PrimaryKey(type_: Type | None = None, name: str | None = None)

Declare a field in BaseReferrableModel as the primary key

PrimaryKey can be used the following way:

from typing import Annotation

class MyModel(BaseReferrableModel):
    my_id: Annotated[int, PrimaryKey]

    # ...the rest of the definitions...

See Configuring model key for more details.

  • type – The underlying key type. This parameter is only used when the key part is a hyperlink whose target is a forward reference. See Hyperlinks as keys.

  • name – The name of the key. This can be used to override the name of the key part (that normally defaults to the field name).

class hrefs.HrefsConfigDict

Typed dict that extends pydantiuc.ConfigDict with configurations used for BaseReferrableModel

details_view: str

Name of a view used by web framework integration

Starlette integration

The main motivation for writing this library was to make it easy to use hyperlinks in FastAPI and Starlette applications. See Getting started for a fully working example of how to use these classes.

class hrefs.starlette.HrefMiddleware(app: Callable[[MutableMapping[str, Any], Callable[[], Awaitable[MutableMapping[str, Any]]], Callable[[MutableMapping[str, Any]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]])

Middleware for resolving hyperlinks

Provide the necessary context for resolving hyperlinks for a Starlette app.

hrefs.starlette.href_context(request_or_app: HTTPConnection | Starlette, *, base_url: str | URL | None = None) ContextManager[_StarletteHrefResolver]

Context manager that sets hyperlink context

Makes request_or_app convert between keys and URLs in hyperlinks to BaseReferrableModel. The context can be either of the following:

  • A starlette.requests.HTTPConnection instance – that is a HTTP request or websocket

  • A starlette.applications.Starlette instance. Note that base_url needs to be provided when using application to convert the URL path to absolute URL.

href_context() is used as a context manager that automatically clears the context when exiting.

with href_context(request):
    '''Parse and generate hyperlinks, with base URL from the request'''

If you want to use an application as hyperlink context, you’ll need to provide base URL manually:

with href_context(app, base_url="http://example.com"):
    '''Parse and generate hyperlinks, with base URL from the argument'''


For normal use where hyperlinks are parsed or generated inside request handlers of a Starlette app, it is recommended to use HrefMiddleware to automatically set the context.

  • request_or_app – The request or app to be used as hyperlink

  • base_url (context) – The base URL (needed when using application as context)

Custom web framework integrations

Developers of custom web framework integrations that work with BaseReferrableModel need to implement a hyperlink resolver that acts as a bridge between the hrefs library and the framework.

The implementation of hrefs.starlette can be used as a reference.

class hrefs.model.HrefResolver(*args, **kwargs)

Hyperlink resolver for BaseReferrableModel subclasses

A hyperlink resolver acts as an integration point between models and the web framework. A web framework implements its resolver that encapsulates the general logic of converting between keys and URLs. A model that subclasses BaseReferrableModel then uses the visitor pattern on the implemented methods to resolve keys and URLs.

A user of the hrefs library rarely needs to concern themselves with this class. It is meant as a protocol to be implemented by new web framework integrations.

See also

resolve_hrefs() that is used to inject the active resolver context

abstract key_to_url(key: Any, *, model_cls: Type[BaseReferrableModel]) AnyHttpUrl

Convert key to url

  • key – The key to convert. The type of the key is assumed to be the key type of model_cls.

  • model_cls – The model class performing the conversion


The URL parsed from key

  • hrefs.ReferrableModelError – if the model is incorrectly configured

  • Exception – validation errors when converting key are passed as is

abstract url_to_key(url: AnyHttpUrl, *, model_cls: Type[BaseReferrableModel]) Any

Convert url to key

  • url – The url to convert. The structure is assumed to follow the URL structure of model_cls.

  • model_cls – The model class performing the conversion


The key parsed from url

  • hrefs.ReferrableModelError – if the model is incorrectly configured

  • Exception – validation errors when converting url are passed as is

hrefs.model.resolve_hrefs(href_resolver: HrefResolver)

Context manager that sets the active hyperlink resolver

Makes href_resolver responsible for converting between keys and URLs for subclasses of BaseReferrableModel. Any conversion must happen inside the context.

from hrefs.model import BaseReferrableModel, HrefResolver, resolve_hrefs

class Book(BaseReferrableModel):
    id: int

class MyHrefResolver(HrefResolver):

with resolve_hrefs(MyHrefResolver(...)) as href_resolver:
    # uses ``href_resolver`` to convert between keys and URLs
    pydantic.parse_obj_as(Href[Book], "http://example.com/books/1")
    pydantic.parse_obj_as(Href[Book], 1)

# raises error
pydantic.parse_obj_as(Href[Book], "http://example.com/books/1")
pydantic.parse_obj_as(Href[Book], 1)

This function is intended for web integration developers. The integrations provide more user friendly ways to expose the resolution functionality, for example hrefs.starlette.HrefMiddleware for Starlette/FastAPI integration.


href_resolver – The hyperlink resolver to activate


exception hrefs.ReferrableModelError

An exception indicating error in a referrable model

This exception is raised whenever the library detects an incorrectly configured or otherwise invalid model. It typically indicates an error in the code and not the input.